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"Dancing is my passion, the process is my life" Pippa

Dancing feels like the most natural thing for my body to do. The movement requires no study, no skill, it is simply pure joy in moving my body.
I have always loved to dance: attending my first dance class at the age of 3!
During my teens I danced 6 days a week
as a Rhythmic Gymnast and a member of the New Zealand Gymnastic Team.
I competed at the World Championships in 1981 and 1983.
The process did require study and skill but the biggest part of the experience for me was the dancing and the inherent joy in the movement of my body.
Finding myself at my first 5Rhythms class taught by Geordie Jahner in 2008 was like coming home.
I knew straight away that I had found ‘it’!
I had found my soul’s way to express itself fully and completely.
With no limits and no judgement…
it was pure joy!
During that first class I also had a sense that sharing and teaching conscious dance was something I would do. When the Open Floor Dance teacher training was brought to New Zealand I jumped in excited about what I would learn, excited at what I would learn about myself during that journey, and how it would enable me to share the joy of dance with others.
I have been teaching Open Floor Dance on the Coromandel Peninsula since 2016.
I have also taught Open Floor within a variety of Workshops and Festivals around New Zealand and at the International Yoga Festival.
I look forward to sharing the joy of Dance with you!
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